How to convert cubic centimeters to gallons?
1 Cubic centimeter is equal to 0.00026417205 gallon. To convert cubic centimeters to gallons, multiply the cubic centimeter value by 0.00026417205 or divide by 3785.411784.
For example, to convert 10000 cubic cm to gallons, divide 10000 by 3785.411784, that makes 2.64172 gallons equal to 10000 cubic cm.
cubic cm to gallons conversion formula:
gallon = cubic cm * 0.00026417205
gallon = cubic cm / 3785.411784
What is a Cubic Centimeter?
Cubic centimeter (centimetre) is metric system volume unit. The symbol is "cm³".
- 1 Cubic Centimeter = 0.00026417205236 US Fluid Gallon
- 1 Cubic Centimeter = 0.00022702074457 US Dry Gallon
- 1 Cubic Centimeter = 0.0002199692483 Imperial Gallon
Please visit all volume units conversion to convert all volume units.