Volume Converter

Convert all volume units, including cubic meter, gallon, quart, cup, liter and mL, with our volume measurement units conversion tool. Input a value in the provided field and choose the volume units you wish to convert between.


The volume units in the converter:

"barrel (bbl), bucket, bushel, centiliter, cubic centimeter (cc, cm3), cubic decimeter (dm3), cubic dekameter, cubic foot (ft3), cubic inch (in3), cubic kilometer (km3), cubic meter (m3), cubic mile (mi3), cubic millimeter (mm3), cubic yard (yd3), cup (c), deciliter, dekaliter, dram, drop, fifth, gallon (gal), gill, hectoliter, hogshead, kiloliter, liter (L), milliliter (mL), minim, fluid ounce (fl oz), peck, pint (pt), pipe, pony, quart (qt), shot, tablespoon (tbsp) and teaspoon (tsp)"

To convert only between the frequently used volume units, please visit volume converter.

The most frequently used volume units:

The most frequently used volume units are liter (1 cubic decimeter), milliliter (1 cubic centimeter), fluid ounce, cup, pint, quart, gallon, cubic meter, cubic feet and cubic yard.

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