Area Converter

Area conversion to convert common area units including square meters, square feet, acre and hectare. Input a value in one of the fields below to instantly view the converted area in the remaining fields.

Square Centimeter
Square Feet
Square Inch
Square Kilometer
Square Meter
Square Mile
Square Yard

Area Units

The area units in this area converter tool are based on the metric and the Imperial area units. To convert all area units, please visit all area conversions.

Metric Area Units

The standard unit of area in the metric system is square meters. All other metric area units are either the fractions or the multiples of square meters. The most frequently used metric area units are square meter, square centimeter, square kilometer and hectare.

Here is the area conversion factors list from square meters to other common area units:

1 Square Metre =

  • 0.0002471053814671653 acre
  • 0.0001 hectare
  • 10000 square centimeters
  • 10.76391 square feet
  • 1550.0031 square inches
  • 0.000001 square kilometers
  • 1.19599 square yards

For area conversion from square meters to other area units, multiply the square meter value by the conversion factor.

Imperial Area Units

In the imperial system, the most frequently used area units are acre (1 furlong * 1 chain) and square feet. The other imperial area units are perch (1 rod * 1 rod), rood (1 rod * 1 furlong), square inch, square mile and square yard.

Here is the area conversion factors list from acres to other common area units:

1 Acre =

  • 0.404686 hectare
  • 160 perches
  • 4 rood
  • 43560 square feet
  • 6272640 square inches
  • 0.004046856422353576 square kilometers
  • 4046.856422 square meters
  • 0.0015625 square miles
  • 4840 square yards

For area conversion from acres to the other area units, multiply the acre value by the conversion factor.