Cubic Yards to Liters Converter

conversion table ←→

cubic yard 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 250 500 750 1000
liter 764.554858 1529.109716 2293.664574 3058.219432 3822.77429 4587.329148 5351.884006 6116.438864 6880.993722 7645.54858 8410.103438 9174.658296 9939.213154 10703.76801 11468.32287 12232.87773 12997.43259 13761.98744 14526.5423 15291.09716 16055.65202 16820.20688 17584.76173 18349.31659 19113.87145 19878.42631 20642.98117 21407.53602 22172.09088 22936.64574 23701.2006 24465.75546 25230.31031 25994.86517 26759.42003 27523.97489 28288.52975 29053.0846 29817.63946 30582.19432 31346.74918 32111.30404 32875.85889 33640.41375 34404.9686 35169.52347 35934.07833 36698.63318 37463.18804 38227.7429 38992.29776 39756.85262 40521.40747 41285.96233 42050.51719 42815.07205 43579.62691 44344.18176 45108.73662 45873.29148 46637.84634 47402.4012 48166.95605 48931.51091 49696.06577 50460.62063 51225.17549 51989.73034 52754.2852 53518.84006 54283.39492 55047.94978 55812.50463 56577.05949 57341.61435 58106.16921 58870.72407 59635.27892 60399.83378 61164.38864 61928.9435 62693.49836 63458.05321 64222.60807 64987.16293 65751.71779 66516.27265 67280.8275 68045.38236 68809.93722 69574.49208 70339.04694 71103.60179 71868.15665 72632.71151 73397.26637 74161.82123 74926.37608 75690.93094 76455.4858 191138.7145 382277.429 573416.1435 764554.858
Enter Cubic Yard:

How many liters in a cubic yard?

1 Cubic yard is equal to 764.554858 liters. To convert cubic yards to liters, multiply the cubic yard value by 764.554858.

For example, to convert 100 cubic yards to liters, multiply 764.554858 by 100, that makes 76455.485 liters equal to 100 cubic yards.

cubic yards to liters formula:

liter = cubic yard * 764.554858

What is a Cubic Yard?

Cubic yard is a metric system volume unit. 1 Cubic Yard = 764.554858 Liters. The symbol is "yd³".

What is a Liter?

Liter (litre) is a metric system volume unit. 1 Liter = 0.00130795061 Cubic Yard. The symbol is "L".

Please visit all volume units conversion to convert all volume units.

Create Conversion Table
Click "Create Table". Enter a "Start" value (5, 100 etc). Select an "Increment" value (0.01, 5 etc) and select "Accuracy" to round the result.