How to convert cubic yards to cups?
1 Cubic yard is equal to 3231.58442 US cups. To convert cubic yards to cups, multiply the cubic yard value by 3231.58442.
For example, to convert 2 cubic yards to cups, multiply 2 by 3231.58442, that makes 6463.1688 cups is 2 cubic yards.
How to convert cups to cubic yards?
1 US cup is equal to 0.00030944573 cubic yard. To convert cups to cubic yards, multiply the cup value by 0.00030944573 or divide by 3231.58442.
For example, to convert 10000 cups to cubic yards, divide 10000 by 3231.58442, that makes 3.09445 cubic yards in 10000 cups.
cups to cubic yards formula
cubic yard = cup * 0.00030944573
cubic yard = cup / 3231.58442
What is a Cubic Yard?
Cubic yard is an imperial and United States Customary volume unit. The symbol is "yd³".
- 1 Cubic yard = 3231.58442 US cups
- 1 Cubic yard = 3058.2194319 Metric cups