How many meters in a fathom?
1 Fathom is equal to 1.8288 meters. To convert fathoms to meters, multiply the fathom value by 1.8288.
For example, to convert 10 fathoms to meters, multiply 1.8288 by 10, that makes 18.288 meters equal to 10 fathoms.
fathoms to meters conversion formula:
meter = fathom * 1.8288
How to convert meters to fathoms?
1 Meter is equal to 0.54680664916 fathom. To convert meters to fathoms, multiply the meter value by 0.54680664916 or divide by 1.8288.
For example, to convert 100 meters to fathoms, divide 100 by 1.8288, that makes 54.68 fathoms equal to 100 meters.
meters to fathoms conversion formula:
fathom = meter * 0.54680664916
fathom = meter / 1.8288
What is a Fathom?
Fathom is an imperial length unit. 1 Fathom = 1.8288 Meters. The symbol is ftm.
What is a Meter?
Meter is a metric system length unit. 1 Meter = 0.54680664916 Fathom. The symbol is "m".
Please visit all length units conversion to convert all length units.