How to convert US short tons to UK long tons?
As there are 1.12 US short tons in an UK long ton, to convert US tons to UK tons, divide the US ton value by 1.12.
For example, to convert 10 US tons to UK tons, divide 10 by 1.12, that makes 8.92857 UK tons is 10 US tons.
US ton to UK ton formula
UK ton = US ton * 0.89285714286
UK ton = US ton / 1.12
1 US Short Ton = 0.89285714286 UK Long Ton
How to convert UK long tons to US short tons?
There are 1.12 US short tons in an UK long ton. To convert UK tons to US tons, multiply the UK ton value by 1.12.
For example, to convert 5 UK tons to US tons, multiply 5 by 1.12, that makes 5.6 US tons is 5 UK tons.
UK ton to US ton formula
US ton = UK ton * 1.12
1 Imperial Long Ton = 1.12 US Short Tons
Please visit all weight and mass units conversion to convert all weight and mass units.