How to convert psi to torr (mmHg)?
1 Pound force per square inch (psi) is equal to 51.7149326 torr (mmHg). To convert psi to torr, multiply the psi value by 51.7149326.
For example, to convert 30 psi to torr (mmHg), you can use the following formula:
torr = psi * 51.7149326
torr = 30 * 51.7149326 = 1551.447978
Therefore, 30 psi equal to 1551.447978 torr (mmHg).
Using the simple formula below, you can easily convert psi to torr.
psi to torr conversion formula:
torr = psi * 51.7149326
How to convert torr (mmHg) to psi?
1 Torr (mmHg) is equal to 0.01933677469 pound force per square inch (psi). To convert torr to psi, multiply the torr value by 0.01933677469 or divide by 51.7149326.
For example, to convert 100 torr (mmHg) to psi, you can use the following formula:
psi = torr * 0.01933677469
psi = 100 * 0.01933677469 = 1.933677469
Therefore, 100 torr (mmHg) equal to 1.933677469 psi.
Using the simple formulas below, you can easily convert torr to psi.
torr to psi conversion formula:
psi = torr * 0.01933677469
psi = torr / 51.7149326
What is Pound Force per Square Inch?
Pound force per square inch is a unit of pressure commonly used in the United States and some other countries that follow the imperial system of measurement. It represents the amount of force applied to an area of one square inch. 1 psi = 51.7149326 Torr (mmHg). The abbreviation is "psi".
What is Torr and mmHg?
Torr is defined as the pressure exerted by a column of mercury that is exactly 1 millimeter (mm) in height under standard conditions. 1 Torr (mmHg) = 0.01933677469 psi.
Millimeters of Mercury (mmHg) is the pressure exerted by a column of mercury that is 1 millimeter high.
The torr and mmHg are practically equivalent units of pressure. 1 torr is equivalent to 1 mmHg. In other words, the pressure of 1 torr is the same as the pressure exerted by a column of mercury that is 1 millimeter high. This close equivalence makes these units interchangeable in most practical applications.
Please visit pressure conversion to convert all pressure units.
Below, you have the option to create your own customized psi to torr conversion table to meet your specific needs. This feature allows you to set the starting value, choose the increments between each entry, and select the desired level of accuracy. By tailoring the psi to torr table according to your preferences, you can generate precise and personalized conversion results.