Understanding fuel efficiency is crucial whether you're driving in the US or abroad. MPG measures how many miles your vehicle can travel per gallon of fuel, while L/100km is used in many countries to indicate the amount of fuel consumed over a distance of 100 kilometers. By converting MPG to L/100km, you can get a clearer picture of your vehicle's fuel consumption, making it easier to compare cars, plan trips, or calculate costs.
How to convert mpg to liters per 100 kilometers?
As a formula, to convert mpg to liters per 100 kilometers (L/100 km), divide 235.214583 by the miles per gallon (mpg) value.
For example, to convert 24 miles per gallon to liters per 100 kilometers, divide 235.214583 by 24, that makes 24 mpg equal to 9.8 L/100km.
mpg to L/100km conversion formula:
L/100km = 235.214583 / mpg
Common conversions from mpg to liters per 100 kilometers:
- 20 mpg = 11.76 L/100km
- 21 mpg = 11.2 L/100km
- 22 mpg = 10.69 L/100km
- 23 mpg = 10.23 L/100km
- 24 mpg = 9.8 L/100km
- 25 mpg = 9.41 L/100km
- 26 mpg = 9.05 L/100km
- 27 mpg = 8.71 L/100km
- 28 mpg = 8.4 L/100km
- 29 mpg = 8.11 L/100km
- 30 mpg = 7.84 L/100km
- 34 mpg = 6.92 L/100km
- 35 mpg = 6.72 L/100km
- 40 mpg = 5.88 L/100km
To convert between US mpg and UK mpg, please visit US mpg to UK mpg conversion.
What is Miles per Gallon (MPG)?
Miles per gallon (mpg) is a fuel economy unit to measure is the distance traveled per mile. 1 US MPG = 235.214583 L/100km and 1 UK MPG = 282.4809363 L/100km.
What is Liters per 100 Kilometers (L/100km)?
Liters per 100 Kilometers (L/100km) is a unit of fuel consumption commonly used in countries that follow the metric system. It represents the amount of fuel (in liters) required to travel a distance of 100 kilometers. In L/100 km, a lower value indicates better fuel efficiency. 1 L/100km = 235.214583 US MPG and 1 L/100km = 282.4809363 UK MPG.
Please visit fuel economy conversion calculator tool to convert all fuel economy units.