Megahertz to Hertz (MHz to Hz) Converter


How to convert megahertz to hertz?

1 Megahertz (MHz) is equal to 1000000 hertz (Hz). To convert megahertz to hertz, multiply the MHz value by 1000000.

megahertz to hertz conversion formula:

Hz = MHz * 1000000

How to convert hertz to megahertz?

1 Hertz (Hz) is equal to 0.000001 megahertz (MHz). To convert hertz to megahertz, multiply the hertz value by 0.000001 or divide by 1000000.

hertz to megahertz conversion formula:

MHz = Hz * 0.000001

MHz = Hz * 1000000

What is Megahertz?

Megahertz is unit of frequency in the International System of Units (SI). 1 megahertz = 1000000 hertz. The symbol is "MHz".

Please visit frequency units conversion to convert all frequency units.

Create Conversion Table
Click "Create Table". Enter a "Start" value (5, 100 etc). Select an "Increment" value (0.01, 5 etc) and select "Accuracy" to round the result.