How to convert perch to inches?
1 Perch is equal to 198 inches. To convert perch to inches, multiply the perch value by 198.
For example, to find out how many inches there are in 2 perches, multiply 2 by 198, that makes 396 inches in 2 perches.
perch to inch conversion formula:
inch = perch * 198
What is an Inch?
Inch is an imperial and United States Customary systems length unit. 1 inch = 0.0050505050505 perch. The symbol is "in".
What is a Perch?
Perch is an old unit of length measurement, typically used for measuring land. One perch is equivalent to 5.5 yards, 16.5 feet or approximately 5.0292 meters. 1 perch = 198 inches.
Please visit all length units conversion to convert all length units.