Grams to Pounds and Ounces Converter

Pounds & Ounces:

To convert grams to pounds and ounces (g to lbs and oz) or to convert pounds and oucnes to grams (lbs and oz to g), you may use the converter above.

Below, you will find information on how to convert grams to pounds and ounces and how to convert pounds and ounces to grams, including the formulas and example conversions.

How to convert grams to pounds and ounces?

1 Pound is equal to 453.59237 grams. To convert grams to pounds and ounces, first divide the gram value by 453.59237 to convert into pounds. The integer part of the result is the pound value. To find the ounce value, multiply the fractional part by 16.

For example, to find out how many pounds and ounces in 1000 grams, divide 1000 by 453.59237, that makes 2.20462 lbs. 2 is the pound value, to find the ounce value multiply 0.20462 by 16, that makes 3.273 ounces.

grams to pounds and ounces formula

pound (x.y) = gram / 453.59237

pound = x

ounce = y * 16

1 Kilogram = 2 Pounds & 3.273 Ounces

How to convert pounds and ounces to grams?

To convert pounds and ounces to grams, first convert pounds and ounces to pounds and multiply the result by 453.59237 to convert to grams.

pounds and ounces to grams formula

pound <= pound + (ounce / 16)

gram = pound * 453.59237

To convert pounds and ounces to pounds, please visit pounds to ounces conversion.

What is a Gram?

Gram is a metric system mass unit. The symbol is "g".

Please visit all weight and mass units conversion to convert all weight and mass units.