Heat Transfer Coefficient Converter

Convert heat transfer coefficient units, including watt per square meter per Kelvin and Calorie per square cm per hour per Celsius, with our heat transfer coefficient measurement units conversion tool. Input a value in the provided field and choose the heat transfer coefficient units you wish to convert.


Heat Transfer Coefficient Units

The heat transfer coefficient units in the heat transfer coefficient converter are BTU/hour square foot °F, calorie/second square centimeter °C, CHU/hour square foot °C, joule/second square meter K, kilocalorie/hour square foot °C, kilocalorie/hour square meter°C, watt/square meter °C, watt/square meter K.

The metric unit of heat transfer coefficient is watts per squared meter kelvin. The other common heat transfer coefficient units are btu per square feet fahrenheit and joule second per square meter kelvin.

What is Heat Transfer Coefficient?

The heat transfer coefficient is how easy the heat passes from one material to another, between solid, fluid, gas or air.

For example, the heat transfer coefficient for water is between 500 to 10,000 watts (meter square kelvin) and air is 10 to 100 watts meter square kelvin.

For more information about heat transfer coefficient, please visit heat transfer coefficient.

For specific heat capacity units converter, please visit specific heat capacity converter.

For heat flux density units converter, please visit heat flux density converter.

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