Kilojoules to Kilowatt Hours (kJ to kWh) Converter

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How to convert kilojoules to kilowatt hour?

1 Kilojoule is equal to 0.000277777778 kilowatt hour (kWh). To convert kilojoules to kWh, multiply the kilojoule value by 0.000277777778 or divide by 3600.

For example, to convert 7200 kilojoules to kWh, multiply 7200 by 0.000277777778, that makes 2 kWh equal to 7200 kilojoules.

kilojoules to kWh formula

kWh = kilojoule * 0.000277777778

kWh = kilojoule / 3600

What is Kilojoule?

Kilojoule is a metric system energy unit. The symbol is "kJ".

Please visit energy and work units conversion to convert all energy and work units.

Create Conversion Table
Click "Create Table". Enter a "Start" value (5, 100 etc). Select an "Increment" value (0.01, 5 etc) and select "Accuracy" to round the result.