Cooking Measurements Converter

Cooking units converter to convert between common US Customary and Metric cooking units. Enter a value into any of the fields below to instantly view the converted cooking units in the remaining fields.

US Cup
US Fluid Ounce
US Fluid Gallon
US Fluid Pint
US Fluid Quart
US Tablespoon
US Teaspoon

Cooking Measurement Units

The cooking units in this cooking measurement converter are based on the metric and the Imperial cooking units. To convert all cooking units, please visit all cooking conversion page.

Cooking weights and measures

Cooking recipe units are measured in either mass (weight), volume or quantity. Converting a weight cooking unit (ounce, pound etc) to a volume unit (cup, tablespoon etc) is not possible unless you know the density of that ingredient.


The US and the British recipes use pounds and ounces and the rest of the world uses grams and kilograms for weight measurement. To convert between the weight units, please visit weight conversion page.

Here is the cooking conversion factors list for weight from pounds to grams:

1 Pound =

  • 16 ounces
  • 0.45 kilogram
  • 453.592 grams


The liquid ingredients are measured by volume. The United States uses the US customary units and the British uses imperial units for volume measurement. The rest of the world uses the metric volume units. To convert between the liquid cooking recipe units, please visit all cooking conversion page.

Here is the cooking conversion factors list for volume from gallons to teaspoons:

1 US fluid gallon =

  • 3.785411784 liters
  • 4 quarts
  • 8 pints
  • 16 cups
  • 128 fluid ounces
  • 256 tablespoons
  • 768 teaspoons


The oven temperatures may be quoted in degrees in Celsius or Fahrenheit (US and Canada). To convert between the oven temperatures, please visit Fahrenheit and Celsius converter page.

Here is the list for the common oven temperatures (rounded to the closest oven temperature equivalent in °C):

  • 200 - 225 °F = 90 - 110 °C
  • 250 - 275 °F = 120 - 135 °C
  • 300 - 325 °F = 150 - 160 °C
  • 350 - 375 °F = 180 - 190 °C
  • 400 - 425 °F = 200 - 220 °C
  • 450 - 475 °F = 230 - 250 °C
  • 500 - 525 °F = 260 - 270 °C