Newton-Meter to Pound-Inch Converter

Enter Newton-Meter
Enter Pound-Inch

How to convert Newton-Meter to Pound-Inch?

1 Newton-meter (N-m) is equal to 8.8507457676 pound-inches (lb-in). To convert newton-meter to pound-inch, multiply the newton-meter value by 8.8507457676.

For example, to convert 250 N-m to lb-in, multiply 250 by 8.8507457676, that makes 2212.6864 lb-in is 250 N-m.

newton-meter to pound-inch formula

pound-inch = newton-meter * 8.8507457676

1 Newton-Meter = 8.8507457676 Pound-Inch

How to convert Pound-Inch to Newton-Meter?

1 Pound-inch (lb-in) is equal to 0.11298482933 newton-meter (N-m). To convert pound-inch to newton-meter, multiply the pound-inch value by 0.11298482933 or divide by 8.8507457676.

For example, to convert 150 lb-in to N-m, multiply 150 by 0.11298482933, that makes 16.9477 N-m is 150 lb-in.

pound-inch to newton-meter formula

newton-meter = pound-inch * 0.11298482933

newton-meter = pound-inch / 8.8507457676

1 Pound-Inch = 0.11298482933 Newton-Meter

What is a Newton-Meter?

Newton-Meter is a metric system torque unit. 1 N-m = 8.8507457676 lb-in. Newton-meter is a torque unit but also a work unit. The symbol is "N-m".

What is a Pound-Inch?

Pound-Inch is an imperial and United States Customary torque unit. 1 lb-in = 0.11298482933 N-m. The symbol is "lb-in".

Please visit torque units conversion to convert all torque units.

Create Conversion Table
Click "Create Table". Enter a "Start" value (5, 100 etc). Select an "Increment" value (0.01, 5 etc) and select "Accuracy" to round the result.